Program Description

The MAT program is one of three programs in the School of Education. Using a reflective, collaborative and justice-oriented approach we prepare teachers who create productive learning environments, critically reflect on their teaching and student learning, and interrogate their own biases and confront inequities in schools. As a teacher candidate in our MAT program you will have the opportunity to explore questions related to this work, such as: How can I create a productive learning environment to meaningfully engage my students? How can I foster students' academic, social, and emotional development? How can I learn from and improve my teaching? How can I confront bias and inequity in my school?

In one academic year candidates earn Washington state residency certification and a master’s degree. You will experience intentional school-based placements, small collaborative classes, active development of cultural competence, and personal mentoring from faculty members and local school teachers.

The School of Education is a member of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE).

The Master of Arts in Teaching program at Puget Sound was recently named #19 in the country by in the category of "Best 31 Accredited Masters in Teaching Programs."

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Sarah Berkley MAT'15

"[My] placement offered me an experienced, inspirational mentor who was very open and responsive to my needs and my ideas."



See this issue which explores individual MAT students’ reflections on race and racism during student teaching and in K-12 classrooms. Race and Pedagogy Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 1, 2021.

2018 Race & Pedagogy National Conference poster

This collection of print and non-print resources was compiled by teachers, university faculty, and community members participating in the PreK-12 Teachers and Students Unlearning Racism strand during the 2018 Race & Pedagogy National Conference.

Collins Memorial Library

Collins Memorial Library offers subject guides for all areas of studies, including Education, as starting points for research.